The Scientific Advisory Board
The SIB Literature Services Advisory Board meets annually and advises on all aspects of the Literature Databases and Services, putting the development of these resources in the context of the scientific community within Europe and beyond. More specifically for SIBiLS, they review progress on the development of the service over the past year, and the plans for development for the forthcoming year. Members of the SAB are usually appointed for 4 years. During 2021-2023, the organisation of the event was made possible thanks to fundings from the e-BioDiv project.
Current members
The current members are the following:
Laurence Benichou (CETAF/MHN Paris)
Melissa Harrison (EBI, Hinxton)
Nona Naderi (Université Paris Saclay, Paris)
Michelle Price (CJB, Genève)
Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann (ZB MED, Köln)
Robert Watherhouse (SIB, Lausanne)
Former members
The following are former members of the SAB:
- Jo McEntyre (EBI, resigned in 2023)